My husband and I are so near the beginning of the adoption journey that we get a bit overwhelmed knowing so much is below the surface that we can
This Christmas: This is it…
I grew up in a church in the south, but we never really celebrated advent. I mean, we went to Christmas parties. Our church read scripture about the birth of Christ. We sang all the songs. But, the word “advent” didn’t enter my lexicon until the past few years. Even now, I don’t really spend a lot of weeks or even days preparing for the celebration of the Messiah.
I do know what it’s like to wait. In August of 2009, Anna and I started the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia. We had discussed this for years and finally took the definitive step forward. Since then, it’s been a process of waiting. Get this form turned in and wait. Have this notarized then wait. Pay this fee and wait. Make this phone call and wait.
We decorated the house for Christmas with a slight sadness because we have waited so long and Lucy still isn’t here yet. We had seen her face, but we didn’t even know when we’d be able to view it outside of a backlit computer screen. It was frustrating.
A week ago, we got a call from our agency that said we had a court date. We’re going to be in Ethiopia at the end of January, and we arrive at court on February 4th with the anticipation that she will be ours. So now, even though she’s not here yet, we celebrate Christmas with a joy that our lives are about to change forever. There will be new joys, new hopes, new life that enters our house. Maybe that’s what Advent is about. The anticipation of new joys and new hopes and new life.
After years and years of wait, the Hebrew people got the Messiah they had been promised. All of humanity was given the Savior of the world. He didn’t come in a way that they expected. But, when he did come, all was right with the world. God never shows up the way we want him to. He always messes with our sense of expectation. For a while, I thought he was some cosmic bully, just letting us know that he’s in charge. I’m starting to see that God messes with our expectations because he wants us to know that if we take control of our lives, it just doesn’t work out as well. When he takes control, he blows our expectations out of the water. He lets us see just how small our plans are.
So, this year, I will celebrate the birth of the Savior of the world. I will celebrate knowing that God knew this Christmas would be my last as a nonparent. I will celebrate because God has an enormous plan for the eventual redemption of the world, and I am a small part of it. I will celebrate because he knows what he’s doing, even when I don’t.
Russ and Anna have been married for 5 years. Even as friends, before dating or marriage, they shared with one another that they each wanted to adopt. After marrying in May 2005, talk of adoption slowly entered its way into their conversations. Russ, working as a youth pastor, and Anna, working as a teacher and at a girl’s group home, saw the need more than ever for children to have loving, safe homes. After coming to this realization, they chose to begin the adoption process to adopt a little girl from Ethiopia. They will travel to Ethiopia at the end of January to meet Lucy and eventually bring her home. They are so excited about their story of choosing adoption to bring their first child home. You can follow their journey on their personal blog.
When we reach 200 followers, there will be a giveaway for one lucky follower.
So, if you haven’t done it already, join!
This Christmas: Joseph – Defender of the Fatherless
It was to be a quiet divorce. A silent separation.
I imagine the first conversation between Mary and Joseph, the one before the angel visited him. Mary coming to him with tears, saying,
This Christmas: Rest
I don
Why I Chose to Adopt
Less than 12 months ago, I was a mom of two bio kids.
Today, I have three bio and one adopted.
It did not come easy.
I will not lie and say I did not toss and turn about it.
I prayed and prayed for timing for us and for the child.
I asked God to make me willing.
I asked God to open my heart.
I went to Haiti.
With my own two eyes, “I saw.”
I saw so much beauty, pain, but all came wrapped in need.
My heart was so open, I left wounded.
I wanted to run somewhere and pretend I had not seen such life.
I wanted to forget stories I heard.
I wanted to forget eyes that looked at me with hope.
As much as I wanted to.
I chose to not.
I came home and tossed and turned some more.
A lot more.
I thought of the boy I met.
I thought of what would be best for him.
I thought of the babies I carried.
I thought of the sound of roosters.
I thought of the sound of children laughing.
I thought of the lady I met on a random walk lifting her shirt to show me her hungry belly
I Got You Babe!
Originally posted on her blog on September 7, 2010…
I love days on which I am forced to reflect. Today is not a day I would typically think about anything other than the 15 piles of laundry this weekend
Colorblind? No thanks.
Is there one of those topics in your life, that if touched upon, causes such a hostile reaction within you that you almost instantly feel your blood pressure rising in the form of a red-hot wave working its way up your body? I must honestly answer here; yes, there is!
Anyone who knows me even a little is likely very aware that I deplore racism. Actually, there is nothing that I can readily come up with that would cause me to go
Adoption is Hard
Adoption is BEAUTIFUL, but it is HARD.
Adoption is REAL people/kids who have LOST EVERYTHING.
ALL adopted kids experience some kind of grief and trauma. And, yes, even children who are placed in their adopted parents arms right after birth experience the grief of losing their biological mother. It is just the way God designed us! God intended the relationship between a child and their biological parents to be the strongest human bond. But, because we live in a BROKEN world, this is not always the case. There are over 160 million children who are orphaned worldwide (UNICEF).
This week one of our children worked through some of their grief. It started over something very insignificant but ended in me rocking this child for over an hour while they wailed at the top of their lungs, and we listened to praise music. Much of this time was spent with both of us crying for the loss, the trauma, the hurt and the fear.
I tell you this because adoption is hard but worth every tear. God adopts us into His kingdom. When we decide to give our lives to Christ we can experience many of the same emotions. We hold onto the things of our past; we might fear the past or future; we grieve the past and slowly start trusting God. It takes time to give our WHOLE lives to God; it takes time to TRUST God with the small details; and it takes time to KNOW God will make all thinks work together for good like He tells us. It is a process similar to forming your family through adoption.
But as a Christian, we have the hope and joy of the future. We have understanding that we will spend eternity worshiping our King. We know that God has made us new, and He lives in us. But, we fight this because of our fleshly desires (sin).
Adoption is hard, but it is worth it. It is worth the cost of redemption because we are talking about human souls that will live forever in heaven or in hell. God wants to use the hard times so we can draw close to Him. God wants to rock us and tell us it will be okay. He will take care of us. He will provide for our needs. He will love us even when we sin. He loves us despite our wicked hearts. ALL GOD WANTS IS FOR US TO LOVE HIM!
Please do not let fear hold you back from adopting a precious child. God will give you the strength and wisdom you will need.
Although we had a painful night, we have seen tremendous strides in this child. God did heal parts of our child’s heart!
Danielle is married to the love of her life, Doug. She is a stay-at-home mom who is starting to home school and loves orphan advocacy. God has used His plan of adoption to impact their lives. They brought home their first two children from Ethiopia in June 2010 (4 and 1 years old), and they hope to adopt many more children. You can follow their journey here.
When we reach 200 followers, there will be a giveaway for one lucky follower.
So, if you haven’t done it already, join!
From an Adoptive Sister
Go back to August of 2005. I was a 10-year-old girl. I was happy with my life. I loved my family; life was good. I had a mom, dad, and two biological brothers. When my Mom and Dad had just gotten married, my Dad mentioned international adoption to my Mom. She thought it was a crazy idea at the time. She wanted a boy and a girl, better known as “the average American Family.” My Mom went to a spa day that my Dad had gotten her for Mother’s Day but she had put off going. God had a plan. She finally went, and the woman who did her massage talked about her China adoption and how beautiful and wonderful it was. God planted a seed. When my Mom left the spa she called my Dad and said “Hal, I think we have a daughter in China.” My Dad had a simple response, “I have been praying you would say that.”
So, it began. My parents announced they were adopting in a fairly simple way. They really didn’t have much choice since I was 10, Adam was 6, and Hayne was 2. My Mom came to me and said, “So, Ashton, How do you feel about a little sister?” I was estatic and was jumping “I would love one!! Is there one in your stomach?!” She laughed. “No, not this time. We are going all the way to China!”
I couldn’t believe it, but from that moment, I was thrilled. I didn’t question; I didn’t wonder; I just knew. Soon I would have a baby sister! When we started the China adoption process, the wait was said to be 6 months for paperwork and 6 months waiting for a referral. God’s hand was clearly on our adoption as we finished all of our paperwork in 2 months! It was unheard of in the adoption world at the time! We were expecting to have a baby by January. Boy were we wrong. The wait slowed down. Slowly the wait went from 12 months to 18 months to 24 months and so on. We waited. And, while we waited, we prayed.
On May 1, 2007, we finally received “The Call.” We had a beautiful baby girl waiting for us in Xiushan, China! She was 7 months old and just what we had prayed for and so much more!
So, Why All the Traditions?
When Tim and I married long ago, I knew I wanted to have strong family traditions. I wanted to establish certain things we could do each year for certain celebrations as well as family time. Some we did when it was just the two of us (like the Tree of Thanksgiving); others we started when Ethan was born, and we continue to add some each year.
Doesn’t this add to your to-do list, you might ask. My answer would be yes. But, it is things that I love to do. I think it is very important! Family traditions are just that…FAMILY traditions. We have so many things in our lives that include others–church, sports, clubs, etc. These are great things that I want to be involved in, but I am very protective of our family times. Times when it is just us–growing and enjoying one another, hopefully strengthening our relationships.
I would recommend the book Celebrating the Christian Year by Martha Zimmerman. I love this book, and the fact that she agrees with my view on family traditions doesn’t hurt either! 🙂
Jesus taught that the His Father’s desire for us was not a religion but life. The best way to experience joy in that life is through meaningful relationships. How do relationships happen? What causes a relationship to grow? Relationships grow as people experience things together. It is psychologically true in relationships that doing things for the one you love increases your love for that person. Observing family traditions is one way to demonstrate your love for the Lord. At the same time your actions are speaking volumes to your children, and all the while the love between you and them is growing.
I really think that having these special little things we do together creates a common bond between us, especially the boys as they grow older. I have so enjoyed listening to the boys tell the girls about what we are going to do on this day or that. And, just when I think “oh, maybe this year we’ll skip that part,” I hear the kids talking in anticipation about it. And, I realize that it IS important to them. Their family and its silly and serious traditions are important to them.
This morning the kids woke up to find our Christmas countdown thingy out. We open a door a day to find a note, verse, project, or candy inside.
The Dec. 1st door opened to “Prepare a road for the Lord through the wilderness, clear a highway across the desert for our God…thus shall the Glory of the Lord be revealed” Isaiah 40:3, 5.
As we begin this season of Advent, I pray that you and your family will find special ways to “prepare a road for the Lord” in your busy schedules. December is full of traditions in our house, that I am happy to share. I would love to hear of any of your family traditions, as I am always open to more!
Handwoven fabrics are special! Like babies and snowflakes, no two are ever exactly the same. Families are like tapestry. Many threads run through each piece. As you participate with the Lord in the weaving of your family, choose the threads carefully. Remember time helps to hold the fabric together.
After our daughter’s adoption in 2007, we were sure we wanted to adopt again. While in China, our hearts broke for our daughter’s story of abandonment, and our eyes opened to the desperate needs of millions of orphans. We returned home with our beautiful daughter and also with a new priority in our lives. We talked about adoption with everyone we knew and were able to start an adoption and foster care ministry in our church with another like-minded couple. I am a homeschooling mom of 4, soon to be 5. We are waiting for the referral of our son or daughter from South Korea. You can follow more of our family traditions, as well as our busy life, on our blog.