Zo Ba! {Let’s Go!}

“We love the lovely because it is flattering to us to do so.God loves the unlovely, and it broke
His heart to do it. The depth of the love of God is revealed by that wonderful word, ‘whosoever.’The Bible reveals God to be the Lover of His enemies.” – Oswald Chambers
There’s no secret I have a favorite on this trip.
His smile and laugh grabbed me within the first 20 minutes of entering the orphanage.
This kid is a firecracker…wherever I am, he always seems to show up.
Outside with the older kids….he’s there….inside with the infants, he comes swaggering in for lunch….and comes right to me with arms UP.
Of course, as soon as I felt comfortable, I asked about his adoption status. I was told details that I can’t share publicly,  but the fact is, this child will never be eligible for a family.
It is, in fact, impossible.
On day one of this trip blog, I said there were two ways that these kids would hear the Gospel.
One, by being adopted by families who live and shout Jesus with their lives.
Two, by people coming to them.
22 children of our orphanage are currently available for International adoption.  Close to a dozen on top of those, are already matched and waiting for parents to come. They represent the first group.
He represents the second.
This kid.
He represents
147 million orphans worldwide in
Asia, Africa, Haiti, South America…. and only a
fraction are available for adoption.
Jesus said, in Matthew 25, “whatever you do for the least of these, you do it to me”
Today, I go to tickle one of the least of these.
I got to see him cry for the first time, and while the nannys ignored him, scooped him up and
rocked him, noticing he was patting his diaper area….he just needed to potty and didn’t want
to wet his pants…. Rushed him to a potty seat and the smiles returned.
 I got to give him a sucker and watch as he didn’t bite it like most American kids do…
he licked it for 15 minutes till there wasn’t a grain of sugar left on the stick.
He doesn’t understand that Jesus loves him.
He’s still too young.
But he will one day. If people who say they love Jesus,
are willing to step outside their comfort zones,
eat some nasty food and travel around the world,
leave their families and their smells and all familiarity
and GO.
To the least of these.
And if the “least of these” to you means you tollerate
your neighbors kids,
you need to have this baby boy grab your cheeks and get as close to you
as he can…..HE is the least of these.
Luke 10:36-37
“Jesus asked, which of these three would you say was a neighbor to the man who was attacked? The man replied,
“the one who showed him mercy.”
Then Jesus said,
“Yes, GO now and DO the same.”

Emily and Jay have been married for 11 years and have 5 childen–Avery 8, Ally 6, Annalyse 4, Ashley 3, and (finally) our BOY, Asher 2. Ashley and Asher were adopted from China and were both special needs adoptions.  Emily spends her days chasing toddlers and waiting in line at carpool. Her favorite place in the world is in her van, all alone with the worship music blaring! She would count it an honor to have you be encouraged at www.ourhimpossiblejourney.blogspot.com.

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