12 Replies to “You Have Enough Kids”

  1. Thank you for this. You have put into words exactly what I’ve felt over the years and I intend to share it with friends and family alike. May God bless you as you do not look to the logic of man for the most important decision of your life, but submit yourselves to the will of God, no matter what the cost.

  2. AMEN!!!!! I love this post and this family! We have 6 children and one more on the way and – through adoption and biology. We love it! You put into words exactly how we feel and what we have been through. Thank you and God bless you for sharing this!

  3. Thank you to Sharla for such a well-written post. Sadly, I hear of this all too often. It’s almost as if this should be printed and handed out to all family/friends before one begins their first or fifth or fifteenth adoption journey. How dare people judge what God has called one to do. I know so many people throw out these comments and are ‘well-meaning’ and likely would not want their comment to be received as a judgement ~ yet it is often so hard to see it otherwise.

    So if one can’t “think before you speak!” …then let me 2nd that ‘Thumper’ truth: ”If you can’t say somethin’ nice, don’t say nothin’ at all!”

  4. So beautifully shared from the HEART. Might link from my blog where friends and family read. 🙂 We have come to realized as our family grows, our list of friends dwindles. I feel badly mostly for them for missing the incredible blessing. We have had people close to us say, “when is enough enough?”

    I don’t get the question. Like you said, these are children. What if God said this of us and decided to quit adopting us as His own spiritually? I really don’t understand it at all.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. We hear this so much now that we have 3 kids. We didn’t hear it when we adopted our first, but now people think we are crazy! Thanks for your thoughts! Amen!

  6. Amen! As the parents of 8 children, we’ve heard all kinds of comments too. One recent one is “you aren’t going to get another one are you”? What?! Like you said, children are blessings!

  7. Oh, I do love this post! We have five children – all adopted – and we have heard all these comments and more. And my responses and emotions and feelings have been all of what you wrote about. I have never pushed adoption on anyone, but we have gotten a lot of the same criticisms you wrote about. Thank you! Thank you for writing this!!!!

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