She’s ours

Dear Mum, Dad, brothers and sisters:

I’m very happy to hear from you and receive your pictures. I love all the toys you send to me. Thank you Mum and Dad. Hope to see you soon as possible. I’ve been working hard with English. When we meet each other, we can make simple conversation.I hope to get a electronic dictionary which can help me to study English easily. I’ve been dreaming of becoming a member of your family and start a new life in the States. In the end, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Miss all of you, Mum, Dad, Brothers, Sisters.

I can’t even begin to tell you all the emotions I am feeling right now. The idea of this beautiful teenager living in my home. My daughter, who we don’t know. But, there is something about this adoption that goes beyond my understanding. The Lord bound us together; this is His plan.

I’m not foolish. I understand all the risks, all the issues that can occur. But, I see a joy in her that I did not see before. The first photos we saw early spring 2009, when we were still waiting for Asher to come home. She

One Reply to “She’s ours”

  1. I really enjoyed reading this post–the pictures of this young lady who will no longer be alone brought tears to my eyes. I so often think of the orphaned baby alone in a crib–thank you for opening my eyes to the realization that there are many older, wonderful children who are orphans, too.
    I would love to follow this blog as they bring their daughter home. What a day that will be!! 🙂

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