What’s Together Called?

“This retreat was just what I didn’t know I needed. It was busy, fun, and I barely slept. Yet, I came home feeling so rested and refreshed.”

“This was the first time I’d ever sat down and heard about adoption from adoptees. It was a very meaningful and raw way to open up the weekend. I appreciated their perspective and everything that they shared. I’d love to be a part of this open conversation again.”

“It was so good to be back together again this year. I was really encouraged and challenged by the recurring themes of vulnerability and concept of no judgment, let’s just help each other get beyond the brokenness.”

“I was apprehensive coming, thinking the speaker would be a verbal version of high-fives and atta-boys and ‘you guys are heroes for adopting.’ . . . So needless to say, the content Curt provided was very appreciated. His ability to hold the importance of connection with God in one hand and neuroscience in the other hand brought encouragement and comfort.”

“It was such a gift to experience even one aspect of the main sessions, but all of them combined was like feeling a taste of the unity and love we will one day know in heaven.”

Mark’s honesty and vulnerability reminded me of the ‘goodness’ of community and how much I have missed that over the past two years.”

“I am a Scrooge when it comes to forced fun at an event. The games you guys did were the perfect blend of funny and OPTIONAL. Anyone who wanted to be a fly on the wall could and anyone who had Olympic-size dreams to win a retreat game could do that as well. It felt like an inclusive environment all around.”

Everything was perfect. Truly. We could not have felt more loved and cared for.”

The Sparrow Fund
124 Third Avenue
Phoenixville PA 19460
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An approved 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization.