The Nitty Gritty of Adoption

When we first announced our plans to adopt, many (though not all) of the responses we received were…shall we say…less than ecstatic. We weren’t expecting the same thrills and cheers that people receive when they announce when they’re pregnant. But, when sharing something that has begun to consume your heart receives a negative response, it stings a little bit.

This pic was our initial announcement.

To those who have never thought about adoption and have only been educated about it through the nightly news, it can be a foreign concept that stirs up feelings of risk, danger, impracticality, and fear. Why would you adopt when you can have biological children of your own? What if your adopted child is mean to your biological child? Why would you put your family at risk for something difficult when your life is so easy right now? You’re adopting from Africa, does your adopted child have a communicable illness? Are you sure having an interracial family is a good idea? (Just look at a current family picture for the answer to that one.) How can you love an adopted child the same as a biological child? You

17 Replies to “The Nitty Gritty of Adoption”

  1. Oh how I understand this! We have had so many friends be excited for us but it only takes a few uneducated people to put a sour taste in your mouth. What a beautifully written piece…keep living adoption out loud! God will surely use your story to encourage others.

  2. I’m sorry you guys have felt alone in this process! I’ve been so excited for you guys & praying for you! Family, friends & the general public have a tendency to ask questions & say things in a way that can be hurtful, but they probably just see it as being inquisitive or taking interest. I have 3 biological sons & I’m still shocked (and hurt) at the things people come up with to say about my family. But my sons are just that–they’re family. And I am SO excited for you guys & your growing FAMILY. Hugs!

  3. Congratulations. My parents are going to China in a few weeks to adopt their 14th and 15th children, 11 of whom are adopted. As my mom has said on her blog when asked to adopt two childen while in China, rather than just the one they were after, ‘if you have a chance to give someone a home and a family, how can you say no.’

  4. Sarah you expressed these truths so well. I love your approach to your life– looking for glory etc in every crevice! So good! This approach will take you through every difficult time and keep it all in a glorious perspective. May you enjoy His glory and restoration in your family every day! (We live in Atlanta too:~)

  5. I salute you for listening to your heart and making yourself available and willing. God bless your family!

  6. I don’t even know you but my cousin linked me to your blog. Beautifully said! As an adoptive mom of three girls, I can tell you that all the love and laughter outweigh the hardships. Although adoption comes with alot of unknowns, we can enter into it confidently because we know the One who both created and knows intimately our adopted beauties! Blessings to you on this road!

  7. beautifully said, Sarah! Congrats to you, Jonathan, & Aurora….thank you for setting your lights on a hill as you joyfully get your hands dirty doing adventurous, worthwhile, painful and glorious kingdom work!! we will pray for you as you continue on your adoption journey and display the glories of the Gospel…

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