The Incredible Story of Mr. Miles

When I was waiting all through 2010 to begin our adoption there was one friend in particular who always had time to mentor me.

Her name is Debbie. She is a Mama, too. She has 4 kids. 3 were born in China. And, Debbie always said the one thing that prospective adoptive parents all want to hear: my day would come.

Debbie would send me emails long before we knew Rissa existed that ended with: “Just think! You are one day closer to Rissa!”

Debbie is exceedingly special to me. Debbie made me believe in my own dream.

When Debbie and I would talk, I would be listening for hope and she would hand it over generously.
Once during a marathon-length-talk, Debbie said: “Esty, don’t despise the timing being ‘off.’ There’s a reason you are meant to go whenever you go.”

Now, I knew why Debbie had said this. When she brought home their #4 from China, they were denied travel and had to wait another 6 weeks to travel with an entirely different group of adoptive families to China. It had been over Christmas that year, and she had been sorely disappointed. But, during that trip to China in January, they met another adoptive family…and in time, Debbie was instrumental in a miracle for this family.

I knew Debbie was right. But, really, I believed that she was right about her situation. Maybe not so much about mine.

When things fell outside of my perfect timeline, I was frustrated and blinded by consuming desperation.


When all was said and done The. Timeline. worked beautifully,

3 Replies to “The Incredible Story of Mr. Miles”

  1. Esty, This post could not have been better timed. It was just the encouragement that I needed at exactly the right time. Thanks!

  2. This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today! We are currently waiting on Travel Approval to go to China and bring home our son. If it doesn’t come today, our travel is delayed until November and that is NOT my timeline! I am trusting God for His perfect timing, while still wanting it in my own time, you hear me:)? Thank you for this encouraging word.

  3. Thanks for this reminder today. I linked to your post from Sara Hagerty’s blog and truly, it is just the spiritual caffeine I need to keep me focused on the Lord’s timing today! We sit between court and Embassy for our Ethiopian adoption and more bad news drove me to tears the other day. Against my better spiritual judgement I started to question God’s timing once again. I have committed this day to refocus and give myself a much needed spiritual “adjustment”! God is good. His timing is perfect. I may not understand it today, but in time I will. Blessings to you and your family! Megan

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