Sometimes I stand and just stare at my children in disbelief. Sometimes I still almost can’t believe God chose us to parent them. After all the pain and distress of infertility, His plan rocked my world.
His beautiful, amazing, precious children, entrusted to us.
I think again about the agony their birth parents must have felt as they walked away from those sweet little babes, never to look back.
I think again about things they experienced that we will never know about.
I think about the time in their precious lives that we missed.
I think about my anguish and distress and that all consuming desire I had to have a child.
But through all this God had a plan.
He patiently waited for us to seek Him. He wanted us to stop focusing on our problems and to turn our eyes to Him.
THEN He showed us His plan.
A plan for our lives and a plan for their lives.
A plan that was and still is far beyond our understanding or comprehension.
A plan I am living day after day.
So when uncertainty surrounds us in our lives as is so apt to happen, what do we do?
Do we turn our eyes to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith?
Are you ready for HIS PLAN?