my baby girl is 11 months old. and as i sit here writing, my mind wanders to what she might be doing at this very moment. my heart begs for her to be held. to have someone smile at her. soothe her when she cries. pick up her favorite toy when she drops it. giggle at her silly antics.
perhaps by her 13th month, i’ll look back and wonder what all this fretting was about.
Thank you for this today! My heart needed to hear it!
Some say you forget the pain and anquish of the wait. I haven’t. I won’t. SO, I feel this pain with you. Somedays it seems just unbearable. But, you are SO right. He IS taking care of her. He IS taking care of you! I pray for you, and for all the Mom’s on this Mother’s Day waiting… may you SOON be united with your little one.