Go With the Heart

As our travel to China approached, I was a bit obsessed with reading books about adoption. Adoption and attachment, sleep, and eating.


Then, we met Grace.

I’ve read them all. I have. But, when she was finally with us. It was time to throw the books out the window and go with the heart.

That first week in China. She slept. It was GREAT. Other families in our travel group were fighting with the kids to get them to go to sleep, to get them to stay asleep, to have them sleep soundly (mind you…they were all older than Grace). I was feeling blessed. We were sleeping.

Then, we came home.

Then, she had surgery.

Now, we are not.

4 Replies to “Go With the Heart”

  1. Oh I love this post! And I wish that so many more would read it. Not with their eyes, but with their hearts…
    We too have slept with (older) children in our beds for months…

  2. It’s so wonderful that you feel this way. Attachment parenting is wonderful and just what children need. 🙂 I have one child of my own so far and I also hope to adopt someday.

  3. That.Is.Sooooo well said! You go mama! I think you are doing exactly the right thing and surely you won’t look back on this time when you are 85 and say, “Bummer. I wish I would have let her cry alone in her room.” Not a chance! Love her, love her, love her!!

  4. We brought home twins who were three and they did not sleep well for a little over the first year. You are doing the right thing by going with your heart. After our boys totally settled in, the sleep came. We are a closer family because of the trust that was built at night time. Hugs to you. Your girl is precious.

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