The day after Mother’s Day. That’s today. But, we’re just going to call it the new Cyber Monday because you all have some shopping to do.
I met Kelly a year and a half ago over coffee in her living room. A mutual friend who knew that we shared the desire to serve children and families joined through adoption set us up on a “blind date.” As the sister to an adopted brother and with the hope of being an adoptive mom myself one day, I knew how important The Sparrow Fund’s resources were for families as Kelly explained what they did. I thought I knew— but to see has been another story.
I joined in the work, volunteering, helping wherever I could. With The Sparrow Fund, I’ve attended trainings, conferences, and retreats—what an amazing and challenging learning experience for me. I have been overwhelmed with how intentional, loving, devoted, and honest the adoption community is. Sorting through adoption issues can be difficult, messy, and exhausting. The Sparrow Fund does an extraordinary job of creating s p a c e for this community—space for adoptive families to come and be blessed through relational, emotional, spiritual, and financial support; space to be encouraged by each other’s experiences, informed by adoptees’ stories, and educated by professionals in the field. The brokenness that comes with adoption is just as welcome as the joy. It has been such a blessing to watch this space be filled over and over again.
The Sparrow Fund is doing excellent work. More than excellent, though, it is needed. There are few training and retreat opportunities like the ones that The Sparrow Fund offers. And, I can tell you from experience that they are such encouraging, life-giving times for adoptive parents. In addition, The Sparrow Fund awarded grants for preadoption counseling and ongoing support to 18 families this past year alone, ensuring as smooth an adoption process as possible. Those 18 grants played a part in 24 children being brought into their families as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters.
We need you to help create more space for support and encouragement for children and families—which is where the new Cyber Monday comes in. About 50 businesses selling guitar equipment to children’s books to jewelry to skincare have committed to celebrating adoption and honoring the work of The Sparrow Fund by donating 10% of their total May sales. All you have to do is shop to grow that 10%. Click HERE or on the page in the menu bar on this site, and start shopping!

Abbey Leaman recently married her high school sweetheart of 10 years. She works in admissions at a private school in the Philadelphia area and volunteers for The Sparrow Fund in (most of) her spare time. She loves spending time with family and friends, gardening, cooking, and traveling. She and her husband have dreams of adopting in the future.