I’m reading Blessed Child and in the book something just jumped off the page last night.
In it Ted Dekker writes:
“Whoever said that a straightened [leg] is more dramatic than a healed heart??”
So which is better having straightened [legs] or a healed heart?
Because of course we want Josie’s legs to be as straight and strong as possible but her heart “health” is way more important.
And just in the last month we have sensed a difference in her heart.
She is truly happier.
The biggest change we have seen is that she is now praying at bedtime.
We knew she “did” that before she came to us and we were told she prayed wonderful sweet prayers. But we didn’t see or hear them.
But now she does. And she thanks God for her family.
There are times when I wonder why in the world I am called to parent a child with special needs?!?
I have zero qualifications.
(and just the other week I was telling a friend that if we would have known all of Josie’s “needs” I doubt we would have had the faith to adopt her….just being real.)
But as I sat at therapy on Tuesday and took in the sights and sounds of the PT room I was amazed and overwhelmed with gratitude that I get to be a part of this awesome group of “normal” moms who happen to have special need kids.
There were 4 kiddos doing therapy, all at different levels, and one therapist was trying to bribe her “student” into taking steps in the gait trainer. Helen did NOT want take steps until Kristie told her she would do a cartwheel for her if she walked the length of the room. (Kristie is about 32ish and a “retired” gymnast.)
So of course we all start cheering for Helen to take steps and she does!
And the look on her face when she saw Kristie do the cartwheel was priceless.
I see some of the moms at therapy watch Josie and I. And I can almost read their minds as they watch and think to themselves …she chose a child with special needs?!?!!? She must be crazy!
And I guess in a sense we kinda did. We could have said NO! We could have kept running away from “Niveveh.”
(And honestly some days the thought of getting swallowed by a big fish sounds inviting and almost like a vacation!)
But if we would have kept running I wouldn’t be getting this front row seat into this special world called “special needs.”
These moms at therapy didn’t get to “chose” what needs they were comfortable “accepting” but they chose to parent and chose life.
And so I’m learning to be grateful for this unique window I get to look through and be a part of each week and I pray that I can be as much of an encouragement to them as they are to me. I hope my words and actions will be an encouragement to these precious moms. That we really CAN’T do it on our own strength. It is only by God’s grace and strength that I make it through the days.
I am finding out how h.a.r.d. it is parenting a child with special needs. It is time consuming, tiring and expensive!!
But as our eyes lock across the PT therapy room no words are needed as we celebrate the successes but also feel the pain and frustration when the therapy session isn’t going “as planned.”
Just relating to the fact that we really are just “normal” moms just trying our best and wanting the best for our kiddos. We aren’t “super heroes” nor we do have any “super powers.”
We just put one foot in front of the other and try and keep first things first.
Because it is way more about the heart issues then about having straight legs.

Lynnea is blessed to be a child of God and is also thankful to be able to stay at home to raise (and school) the children God has entrusted her with. She has been married to her best friend for 20 years and really enjoys just “doing life” with him by her side. The Hameloth’s have three (awesome and/or amazing) sons born the old fashioned way and three precious daughters, who just happen to have been born in China, but found their way into their lives and hearts through God’s awesome plan. This (sometimes) fun and wild ride has been full of many ups and downs but worth it all. He who calls is faithful. Find out more about their crazy but fulfilling lives at www.hamelothjourney.blogspot.com.