A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood {coming 11.22}

On November 22nd, a film we’ve been long waiting for, a movie billed as a “timely story of kindness triumphing over cynicism” arrives.

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, starring Tom Hanks as the hero Mr. Rogers, is a true story of friendship–Fred’s friendship with Esquire journalist Tom Junod (called Lloyd Vogel in the film). In 1998, Tom was given the assignment of writing a profile of Mr. Rogers for a special magazine issue on American heroes. With a bit of an edge and a reputation for controversy, Tom wasn’t sure it would be the best fit. Not surprising, what evolved was an unlikely yet entirely unsurprising friendship between them. As Junod later said, “Once I sort of got in his sights, I think he was looking to minister to me.” This new movie tells the story.


It’s no secret that we’re big Fred Rogers fans around here. We’re marking our calendars now.

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