What They Really Want for Christmas

The other day in church, we heard a message that really impacted me and also caused me to fight back the tears. One of our pastors brought his beautiful young daughter with him as he shared that she was “my daughter.” He talked about how significant was the fact that she was his – not just “a daughter but my daughter.” He then related this to our relationship with Jesus – for those who know Him personally – He is not just Lord. He is my Lord. He is not only Savior of the World, He is my Savior.

As He talked, I couldn’t help but think of children all across the U.S. who have no one to call them “mine.” The tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of the desperate prayers prayed by those who feel so alone. So many children – hundreds of thousands – who want nothing more then a family to love them.

It is a hard thing to grasp – hundreds of thousands – but let me tell you about one.

A man in his early fourties shared his story on video. He talked about how he grew up in foster care and eventually aged out of the system, never to be adopted. Against all odds, he became very successful, ran a nonprofit, and helped many people in his similar situation. But as a grown man, he still carried a deep wound. “I just wonder,” he said into the camera, “after all that I’ve accomplished, after all that I’ve done, who wouldn’t be proud to call me son now?”

There are children dying inside – children in your community and mine. Some who need forever families. Some who need foster families to walk with them for a time. They need you, and they need me. During this Christmas season, let’s not forget those who are alone. While we’re celebrating with our families, let’s pray for those who desperately long for a family.

Will you consider becoming a family to a child? Or would you consider opening your doors and coming alongside another family in need? Will you be available to learn more? To be exposed to the need? To walk through one door?


Jami Kaeb

Jami Kaeb is wife to Clint and together they have six children (four of whom were adopted). After having her eyes opened to the overwhelming needs of those in the foster care system, she began a journey that ultimately led her to found The Forgotten Initiative (TFI). TFI equips and supports

2 Replies to “What They Really Want for Christmas”

  1. Jami, my husband and I watched that video a couple of years ago and it touched us deeply. We felt God was asking us to consider an older child; specifically a minority teen boy. Our family already included 4 adult bio children and 4 children God gave us through adoption. They include 2 African American sons, adopted domestically at birth, and 2 Haitian born daughters who came home at 6 months and 23 months. They are now 21, 19, 14 and 13.

    Soon after, we were asked to consider a 12 yr. old boy. He was actually younger than we’d been thinking. But, we sensed this was the situation God had been preparing our hearts for. Besides his age he also has a medical special need, something we had never seriously considered. He’s been with us 18 months and is now 14 yrs. old. His adjustment to our family has actually gone more smoothly than when our youngest daughter came from home Haiti at 23 months. He is a gift to our family and we look forward to finalzing his adoption in 2013.

    This Christmas as part of our advent devotions with our kids we’ve been praying for children featured in the adoption photo listing book for our state. Most of them are older children and the summary of what they’ve been through and the committment level that will be required of their adoptive parents can be daunting. But, I am reminded that on paper our son’s background and issues at first seemed pretty scary too. But, behind every photo and the brief introduction of an older child is a flesh and blood kid who deserves a family.

    Thanks for highlighting the tremendous need for adoptive families for older waitinging children. It’s proven to be a great fit for our family.

    1. Wow, Ellen! Bless you and thank you for sharing your story with us! Thank you for loving on kids and becoming a family to those special kids!

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