{their vision is valuable} make it happen

  In March, The Sparrow Fund led our first team to serve at an orphanage in China. A team of 13 people from all over the United States held babies, taught preschoolers how to play London Bridge and blow bubbles, and built relationships with the staff who serve the 300 orphans in their care day in and day out. It was a foundational trip in an ongoing work. As we plan the next trip there in October, only a few months from now, we are looking forward to being able to do more as trust has been built. Among our team of 14, we have a neonatal nurse and several occupational therapists who will be able to assess children and gently encourage their caregivers to better care for them. We’re also offering something entirely new. It’s super exciting but we need help to make it happen.

Ben Leaman who generously volunteered to be part of our team in March, has agreed to join us again and bring something incredible to the older children there—a photography workshop for 10 young adults (aged 10-14). Using a custom designed 5-day curriculum, we will be teaching them photography basics but also speaking to their hearts to show them that they are beauty makers and creators and that their vision is valuable.

As Ansel Adams pointed out, you don’t make a photograph with just a camera. But, we do need equipment or we cannot offer this program. We are seeking Valuable Vision sponsors, people like you who understand the significance of what we’re doing and want to come alongside a specific child to allow him or her the privilege of joining us to be mentored in photography and heart.

Be a Valuable Vision Sponsor

Through a donation of $200, you will be sponsoring one child to be a part of our program. Your $200 will pay for the camera, camera case, and memory card he or she will use for the class (note that we have been given a discounted price for the equipment). You will also pay for the in-country printing of some of the child’s shots for him or her to keep as well as the printing of a portrait for the child to keep as well as to be placed in his or her orphanage file—a shot that could be potentially used for advocating for that child as well if he or she becomes available for adoption.

As a sponsor, we want to engage you in your child’s vision. You will receive professionally printed artwork of one of your child’s prints (8×12 freestanding Standout) as well as your child’s portrait and a small gift purchased specifically for you during the trip to Shaanxi, China this fall (all funded by another source).

There are only 10 Valuable Vision sponsor spots—don’t miss the opportunity to have your family be one of them. Click on the button below to secure your sponsorship spot.

If the $200 sponsorship is beyond your means right now but you want to support this program and make sure it happens, consider giving a lesser amount of perhaps $100 or $50. Your donation of any amount will ensure our being able to offer and continue this program so that orphans are mentored in a skill and can know that their vision is valuable.

Please note that with all donations to The Sparrow Fund, your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 
The Sparrow Fund
124 Third Avenue
Phoenixville PA 19460
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Copyright 2025 The Sparrow Fund. All rights reserved.
An approved 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization.