The Significance of “Here”

Today is a special day for the Clark Family. It is the day we expanded–the day we welcomed a new member and became 6 strong. It is Ruby’s “Chinaversary.” On this day, 3 years ago, we met her for the very first time in person. Of course, I had already fallen head over heels for the little girl whose picture I carried EVERYWHERE and showed to EVERYONE! Oh–that picture–of a chubby little girl with a shaved head…I BONDED with that picture and then of course with the curly headed little girl who would be mine. We met on a cold day in Nanjing in a government office in a crowded room full of crying parents and children. It was CHAOS. But, when I think back, all the noise fades, and I see my precious husband tearing up as he coaxes a little girl with an orange dum-dum lollipop. I remember that child falling asleep on my chest in the midst of the chaos and I remember feeling like the LUCKIEST woman in the whole wide world.

I STILL feel that way…wow…it all comes back.

So, today, I am dropping the Rubester off in her class, and we always kneel and say a quick prayer that she will make good choices…believe me, it’s a daily struggle. It’s a minute-to-minute struggle some days! We’ve already been talking about why this day is special and, as we wrap up the brief intercession with the “Great Overseer of Good Choices,” she looks up at me and says, “Mama, I’m so glad I’m here!”

“Oh, baby, I’m so glad you’re here, too!” I say back.
And, she gives me a wise smile, and I know she means HERE–on this side of the world…in THIS family–

H . E . R . E .

Thank you, Jesus. My cup runneth over.


Tiffany Clark

As a busy mama of five mischievous children, Tiffany tries to maintain some sanity through sewing, blogging, & reading. She is a 38-year-old homeschooling wife who is crazy in love with her prince and a daughter of the King… Her family includes 3 “homegrown” children as well as two children born with special needs in China. It’s been an incredible ride the whole way! She dreams of getting an adoption ministry up and going in her hometown of Columbus, GA but, for the time being, encourages couples seeking information about adoption. Tiffany volunteers her time as a member of a Citizen’s Judicial Review Panel for the juvenile court system in her district of Georgia where she reviews foster care placements and helps to reunite and build families for children in foster care. She is also a member of the blog writing team for An Orphan’s Wish, an organization striving to meet the needs of special needs orphans in China.

2 Replies to “The Significance of “Here””

  1. Thanks for sharing this post. We are all so blessed by our children being here. Thanks for reminding us!

  2. This post just makes my heart smile!! 🙂 Your little Ruby is SO cute and such a little sweetheart! Those last words you wrote of your ‘exchange’ in sweet words to one another, remind me of my Khloe. She has only been home for 8 mos now, but she is constantly telling me things I have said to her. Most recently, I was doing her hair and suddenly I seen her staring at me through the mirror with this gushy little look in her eyes, and she softly and oh-so sweetly says, ” mommy, your so precious. i love you,too, mommy.” (and mind you, she is not a soft-spoken little girl, so this is particularly cute coming from her!! I LOVE that our daughters are happy to be HERE!!

    God bless! <

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