The Battle is the Lord’s

adoptionThere is one day in the year that we have named “Consecutive Day” in our family. It is the day when our children’s ages run in order, seven in a row. When we first became a family of seven children we had a 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 year old child for a day. Then, we start doubling up again.

10 Replies to “The Battle is the Lord’s”

    1. Oh Jerusha, I pray that you be encouraged and strengthened in all the God has for you. So good that our battles belong to the Lord! He is so faithful and good.

  1. Beth,
    Thank you this was timely. It’s very easy to feel isolated and abandoned by God when the child you know He’s called you to bring into your family brings chaos with all the transitional issues. Having been through this to the extreme with my oldest daughter (from Russia) and seeing how He was able to transform and heal her, you think I’d be better prepared as I deal with our newest additions challenges.
    But, the constant passive agressive behaviors, the tantrums, breaking everything she gets her hands on and the latest peeing in places besides the toilet have me saying “God am I really up for this?”.
    Your post served to remind He led me before and He can do it now. I can lean on Him for strength on the days I don’t have any left. It’s a challenge when everyone wants the “happy ever after” story that can come in time, but you’re dealing with the current reality that is far from this ideal.
    I’ve seen first hand what prayer and consistency can do to totally transform a hurt child’s spirit. I need to really revisit those alters of His faithfulness and remind myself if He’s come through so much in the past He can do it again. Thanks for your post.

    1. Lynda my heart is full reading your response. Your description is so familiar to me. I am so thankful for the reminders to remember! He has always been faithful and good, but when the new difficult situation arises I need help to place it in the context of who God is, who He has been to us in the past, and who He has promised to be. May you be filled with strength, understanding and wisdom directly from God’s heart for you and for your child this week Lynda. I rejoice with you for what God will do in your family! Maybe this most recent post from our blog will continue to help,

  2. Very timely message! And now I have the refrain from a song stuck in my head–about the battle being the Lord’s . . . and that’s a good thing. Thank you.

    1. I think I need to hear that song Lisa! Sometimes a song really hits the spot for me and I’ll play it over and over in our house– to encourage myself as well as affect the atmosphere at home. It really does make a difference. Thank God for anointed musicians! I am so glad that the post was timely for you. I’m quite sure it is because God wants you to know that He knows– He is mindful of you Lisa!

  3. I am overwhelmed having read part of this post. I will finish it later, and send it to everyone I know who is in the same adoption boat as we are. Thank you for reminding me and my husband that we were called to this moment, this purpose, and we are called to continue to advocate for our children, “in their distress” (James 1:27). I often feel the weight of the attack that we are under…and this week is particularly challenging for both of us. Thank you again. A great message today for our family.

  4. Oh Julie, I know about those particularly challenging weeks. And I am so thankful to God for His care for you that He would give you this encouragement from His heart to you just when it is most needed! May you know His strength at work on your behalf and on behalf of your children in the midst of it all. And may you hear the specific words of direction that will lead you to the wonderful victory that is your inheritance! I am so glad that the battle is His– be encouraged in this truth today Julie. Bless you.

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