7 Replies to “Sometimes You Have to be That Mom”

  1. Not only am I now THAT mom, who brings a special snack or meal to every occasion, and asks that special consideration be taken for her children to be placed together in VBS, but I have learned never to cast judgment on other moms for being THAT mom. I don’t know their situation and I don’t know their children’s history. It has been a great lesson for me.

    PS–my son was also adopted at age 2.5 from Korea!

  2. my child was not adopted- but that list really resonated with me because my oldest daughter has autism/asperger’s, and i deal with all those issues on a daily basis!!! it is funny how close that list is to my life! i hope to adopt in the future…so it’s good to know that some of my parenting experience will translate.

    1. Erika,
      It’s true. There are a lot of parenting challenges that transcend how our children came to be in our family!


  3. Elizabeth,
    So nice to know there are more “me’s” floating around out there! When did your son come home? I’ll have to pop over to your blog. I’m sure we could share some stories!


  4. I loved this post Melissa- thank you! It is actually very funny to me (if you catch me at the right time!) how often I have become “that mom.” Actually, it’s even more true now that our children are older. It’s amazing how much I “knew” about parenting before we adopted! I feel I have definitely learned more about grace on this adventure!
    Bless you and your precious family,

    1. Beth,
      If nothing else, our adoption journey has certainly humbled us! Blessings in your journey as “that mom!”

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