Part 1 of 3: Not On Our Radar

Adopting Mei was not our idea. We both knew that we wanted to adopt again and had our ideas of what that would look like. We would adopt a girl, maybe about 4 years old from Ethiopia or domestically, and we would wait until Beniam was in kindergarten. Because God knows we have our hands full right now. I mean, if everyone who sees me in the grocery store with all three kids remarks that I have my hands full, surely God knows, too. That is what I thought. Because that is how I looked at it then.

But, then one night, I was looking at this girl staring back at me on a computer screen. She was a “waiting child” from China. I had not intended to see her. (It is easier if you do not see.) I was innocently checking a blog to see an update on a friend’s new daughter from China. I did not know that she primarily uses her blog to advocate for waiting children in China.

So there I sat, looking at

2 Replies to “Part 1 of 3: Not On Our Radar”

  1. Looking forward to Part 2 of this story! Thankful that God doesn’t leave us alone and that he always has our best in mind when he asks us to do hard things.

  2. OK, I’m hooked! Can’t wait to read more– thank you Haley. I just read this quote from Spurgeon and thought it might encourage you.
    “He whose life is one even and smooth path, will see but little of the glory of the Lord, for he has few occasions of self-emptying, and hence but little fitnes for being filled with the revelation of God. They who navigate little streams and shallow creeks, know but little of the God of tempests; but they who “do business in great waters,” these see his “wonders in the deep.” Charles Spurgeon

    I trust that God is ready to share some beautiful and powerful wonders in the deep. How dear you must be to Him!

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