No Matter What!

Thank you all so much for your prayers, the notes of love and encouragement for our sweet Hasya, and for just being a part of her life (and her journey to healing) from afar. It means the absolute world to me. Seriously!

Yesterday was so painful. Another fracture was something we definitely were not expecting. Seeing your child suffer and remembering why this happens is so hard. As amazingly well as Hasya has done in the past eighteen months, the journey still remains one of many highs and many lows too.

Yesterday was a very big low.

While excellent nutrition and huge growth have possibly helped her fragile bones a little, the truth is that her osteoporosis is something that may never fully go away, according to her doctors. The x-rays yesterday showed us just how paper-thin her bones still are. Once again, no plates could surgically be inserted to strengthen the femur that snapped–there simply is not enough bone to work with.

Today, as my strong, brave, courageous little love lies quietly in her bed, I am once again reminded that God has a plan and a purpose for her life that my human heart cannot fathom.

Last Sunday Anthony preached in our beloved church. Completely unplanned and led by the Holy Spirit, he walked over to our Hasya who was at the back of the church. Daddy gently picked up his beautiful daughter in his arms and carried her to the front of the church.

“Do you see this child? Some day Hasya will be free of all pain and all suffering. Some day she will be standing in front of me in heaven and she will use her voice for the first time. And she’ll be smiling. She may say thank you for giving me a life. And I’ll say to her, ‘No, sweetheart, turn and look next to you. HE is who you should thank. It’s all for HIM. He just asked us to do it. You see, this life matters. It matters in heaven. And it matters here on earth. Her life matters for all eternity.”

Yes, it does! Every day God gives us with this precious child is a gift from heaven. And though there are times when it certainly is not easy and our hearts ache at the things she has to endure…

…it is such a joy and and an honor to be the ones who hold her hand in the good times and in the tough times too.

We’ll press forward and trust, with the help of her doctors and her Father in heaven who leads us on, that we can find ways to make life more comfortable for our sweet girl. Whether God chooses to heal her here on earth or if that will only happen when He takes her home, I have no clue. That is not for me to know.

For today we’ll choose to be thankful for the amazing progress that she has made…

….and leave the rest in His loving, faithful hands.

The Father never promised that the journey would be easy.

But He did promise that He would gently lead and guide us, give us peace that passes all understanding when the storms coming knocking at our door, fill us with wisdom from heaven, and show us the way when we need clear direction.

Because He’s just so very faithful like that!

Today we’ll choose to rejoice in all that He has done and we’ll embrace this journey with everything that we have.

No matter what!


_MG_4340-EditAdeye is a blessed daughter of the King of Kings, wife to the most amazing man in the world and mommy to nine beautiful children. Three sons the good old fashioned way, two special needs princesses from China, two angelic treasures who have Down syndrome from Ukraine, and two amazing blessings who also have profound special needs recently adopted from Bulgaria.  We’re crazy about Jesus, learning daily about total surrender, passionate about adoption, and learning every day how to live life to the fullest with various special needs and medically fragile children.  I share my passions, my heart, my victories, my struggles, and my daily life on my blog, No Greater Joy Mom.

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