Introducing the Avery Madison Grant

Avery Foot ObituaryJeff and Shaena Foot began their adoption journey in March of 2013 with expectant hearts. In September 2013, a young woman expecting a child decided they would be the best parents for her baby. On April 9, 2014, Avery Madison Foot was born and joyfully welcomed into their family as a little sister to Caitlyn and a beloved daughter. They delighted in the God-given privilege of being called to be her family. On February 28, 2015, at 10 months old, that calling changed as Avery was unexpectedly taken home to heaven.

In the midst of grief and their new calling to preserve Avery’s memory and build up others through it, the Foots have been led to bless other families pursuing domestic adoption. Partnering with The Sparrow Fund, the Foots have established the Avery Madison Grant, specifically for the purpose of coming alongside and helping families adopting domestically who demonstrate financial need.

Our existing grants focused on internationally adoptive families, so we are looking forward to this new opportunity to focus on families called to adopt children domestically.

To learn more about how to apply or how to give to build the funds available for this grant, please click HERE.

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