Considering the Cost

The #1 thing I hear from people in response to our adoption is: “Isn’t it really expensive?” I want to step up on a soapbox every time and remind them that God owns the cattle on a thousand hills and what He promises He provides and all that Truth! But, lately, I have started to see that common question in a whole new way. Truth is, adoption is very expensive. It costs a lot more than just dollars and cents though. So if just the money thing scares you, then you probably aren’t ready for adoption.

Dan Cathy said, “A God inspired dream will never fit in your checkbook or calendar.” That is so true. Adoption is a God-inspired dream for us. We were not qualified by the size of our savings account, for sure! We weren’t qualified by how practical it seemed to add another 2-year-old into our lives a few weeks after moving, changing jobs, leaving family, etc., etc., etc. Adoption can cost a lot more than money. It has cost us our comfort, our “normal”, our sense of control, our plans, our understanding, our pride…and the list goes on.

I can remember placing all my focus on ways to come up with the money when we started this ride. But, honestly, getting donations and applying for grants was the easiest and most joy-filled part of the journey for us. The process of hearing people’s hearts and stories and watching them be obedient to the call to give towards our family was humbling and amazing! It wasn’t just a few checks from a few rich people that helped us reach the financial end. It was the many drops in the bucket from a faithful group of people all over the world who are passionate about Gods love for orphans, some of which we have never met.

So, to answer your question, folks: YES! Adoption is VERY expensive. But, the trade off is complete reliance on the Holy Spirit to weave together a story so much bigger than you. You just have to decide for yourselves if its worth it.


Bethany Gaddis

I have been married going on 8 years to a worship pastor, a rock star, and the most involved and intentional dad I have ever seen! Together, we have the privilege of parenting three amazing children (Jaxon- 5 1/2, Jovie, 2 1/2, and Jaydn 2). Jaydn recently came to us through adoption from Uganda, Africa. We just moved to Little Rock, Arkansas, but I am a west coast girl at heart. I enjoy photography, adventure recreation, and teaching high-school students about the most important decision they could ever make: to follow Jesus.

4 Replies to “Considering the Cost”

  1. I LOVE this!!!! I want to copy and post every word of your post to every profile of every person I know. TRUTH….TRUTH….TRUTH. I love the “is it expensive?” question. I can remember when my husband and I first felt Gods nudge toward adoption. I asked Him the very same question. As a matter of fact we, regrettably for years wrestled with Him over that, and other fears. I remember one day thinking about getting a new car, and without reservation, might I add. I also remember the still small voice inside that, lovingly ,asked me why it was so easy for me to agree to such a poor investment of my resources. God has a way of pulling back the veil doesn’t He. The very comment about God having sheep on ten thousand hills was made to us by a precious missionary friend and his wife over dinner when they were stateside last. We were discussing THEIR adoption of a little girl from Ethiopia. I cant really explain the conviction my husband and I felt at that moment but there were tears all around. Thank you for a wonderful post! We are waiting for our dossier to get to China so we can be logged in and couldn’t be crazier OR happier!! Keep it up girlfriend…WE serve an AMAZING GOD!!

  2. Bethany,

    So well put! I’d like to cut and paste to carry around in my pocket for the many times I get asked this same question. I love your perspective here.


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