Blessed Be Your Name

The first time I met you, you were asleep. It was naptime and all the infants at Hannah’s Hope Ethiopia were swaddled all cozy in their Moses baskets in the common area. Except you. You were too big. So there you were in that miniature crib on the end, sleeping all soundly. I knelt down next to you and touched your face. And I marvelled at those impossibly long eyelashes.

Should I wake you up? I longed to hold you. But I do not believe in waking sleeping babies unless you are saving them from an emergency like a fire or tornado.

So I waited, trying to soak in the moment. (Which was smart because it was the last time you would sleep that soundly for about two years. *wink*) Then I heard it. Here in this place where I was so far from my world… where everything felt so unfamiliar… I heard these familiar words playing softly on a nearby radio.

Every blessing you pour out, I’ll turn back to praise
And when the darkness closes in, Lord, still I’m gonna say
‘Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be your name.
Blessed be the name of the Lord. Blessed be your glorious name.’
You give and take away… You give and take away.
My heart will choose to say… ‘Lord, blessed be your name.’

This song, of all songs! This, I knew, was His gift to me. This very song… that was on our lips and in our hearts through every step of your adoption process. When we wanted to worry but sang instead. When we wanted to fear the unknown but worshipped instead. When things we held so dear seemed surely to be lost… and by His grace alone, we learned how to praise His name in the storm.

It was one of two moments that week that I felt God’s presence in a way that I simply cannot explain in words.

Then because Daddy and I could wait no longer, I picked you up and held you close. Slowly, those big brown eyes opened… wider… and wider… and wider. And for about six months or so, that was your signature ‘look’. Eyes, wide as saucers, taking in the world around you, all the while clinging tightly to Daddy and me. And, us clinging, too… clinging so tightly to Abba Father. (Eyes mostly drooping from lack of sleep and delirium.)

As I sit here today in this quiet place and remember these things I have ‘treasured in my heart’, truly all I can think to say is this… Blessed be your name, Jesus.


Haley Long

I am a recipient of amazing grace. I’ve been married 11 years to my husband, Scott. We had 2 children, Isaac and Zoe. Then one day God met us both in the same moment and broke our hearts and filled them with love for orphan children. In 2008, we brought our son Beniam, now 3, home from Ethiopia. We are currently in the process to adopt a little girl named Mei from China. I am a Florida girl who loves sunshine, water, and sand. I enjoy almost anything you can do outdoors, especially in the mountains. When forced to stay inside, I love to read and write.

3 Replies to “Blessed Be Your Name”

  1. That was one of the first songs my husband and I sang with a congregation of friends and strangers in Africa after we had been crushed by the realization that our entire adoption process for #4 had been a lie. We met the sweetest little boy in Malawi and were forced to leave him behind. We had known the joy of God giving us children, but our hearts broke as we choose to bless His name when He took one away. Here 10 months later that song still brings a tear to my eye. I’m glad your story has a happier ending, but I appreciate the reminder that He deserves our praise no matter the circumstances!

    1. wow, laura, how heartbreaking that must have been for you. i am so sorry. and yet, isn’t it amazing that our God is so dependable, so unchanging – even when our circumstances seem to be so devastating. ” ‘though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will never be shaken, nor my covenant of peace be removed’, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” (isaiah 54:10). i am so thankful you were able to bless his name when something so dear to you was taken away.
      there was a long period in our adoption process (ok, well the whole process before we brought our son home) when we thought we were going to lose some very close family relationships if we obeyed God and continued with the adoption. that is when this song really began to mean something to us. thankfully, God changed hearts in a mighty way 🙂 i pray that we would be found faithful whether he gives or takes away…
      blessings to you as your heart heals,

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