Pursuing Joy. Choosing Hope.

Hello Friends. It has been too long.

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we’ve been experiencing some tough things around here. And to be honest, blogging about the joy in our days just didn’t feel right, when I’ve spent most of the last 2 weeks just trying to remember how to breathe.
But I’m here now.
For Me.
For You.
For Moving Forward.And now it’s time to share.
{breathe in, breathe out}
 Our oldest son was recently admitted to an inpatient behavioral health program. He will be there for an indefinite amount of time.
We do not know when or if he will be able to return home.
{breathe in breathe out}
We saw this coming.
The writing was on the wall.
But that has not made it any easier.
It is a nightmare.{I’m going to take a moment to ask you to, please, not try to minimize this event by pointing out that he was adopted & that he had a better life with us than he would have other wise. HE’S MY SON. The End.}
Before today, you knew the basics about my lil’ fam:
I am married to the man of my dreams.
 I am the mother of 5 boys.
We had our oldest 2 through fostercare adoption.
We had our youngest 3 biologically.
We like to celebrate.
That is all I let you see.
Because, that is what I want to remember.
I want to live joy, choose joy, remember joy.
But that is going to change.
We are now in the midst of a journey that will not be forgotten.
A journey that demands to be noticed.
And joy is harder to find.
And hope is a constant choice.
{breathe in, breathe out}
Why am I sharing our family secrets on the “big world wide web”?
Why am I telling you his story?
Because I know what it feels like to be alone.
Because I know I am not alone.
Because while this is his story…it is my story too.
So I’m gonna get back to blogging.
Pursuing Joy in our days and documenting it as much as I can.
And every once in a while I’m gonna go here.
I’m gonna let you see inside the not so pretty parts of these days…because even in these dark spaces, hope can be found…and  how can I not share that with you?

I will NEVER give up Hope.
Never Ever.

“For we have this HOPE as an anchor for the soul…FIRM & SECURE…”
Hebrews 16:9

**I took the above photo’s of our son & his room the day before his latest episode…the day before he was admitted to the inpatient program…I am not sure why I wandered up there for the little photo shoot…but I’m glad I did…I want to remember the little boy in the middle of all of this…because at the end of the day he is just a little boy…a little boy with a broken heart…and I want you to remember that too.**


Processed with VSCOcam with n1 presetHello! I’m Tracey Lynne…and I couldn’t be happier to be here today!
So a few tid bits about me:
I am married to the man of my dreams
I am a fost/adopt, bio mom to 5 boys
I am a part time photographer in South Jersey
I am girly
I am tough
I play in the mud
I catch frogs
I love to celebrate…anything & everything.
I REALLY REALLY like taking pictures
I like pretty things
I like to create
I do not like to do the dishes
I do not like to do the laundry
I like high heels
I like dresses
I have tattoos {3 to be exact}
I love a party
I love decorating
Pink is my favorite color
I  love Jesus
I love my family
I am blessed
Hidden Cupcakes (my little space on the internet) has been where I celebrate the “happy moments”in my days. The moments I want to remember for always…

{I like to think my happy moments may inspire some happy moments for you…}

Nobody’s life is perfect. Mine is no exception. And recently I’ve opened up a little more letting you see some if the “beautiful ick” that mixes with our happy. Still, when I “look back” I want the happy memories to outweigh the not-so-happy ones. It’s a choice…


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