Post-Mother’s Day Blues

I’ve got the post-Mother’s Day blues.

Seems like my family can’t win.   On one hand, there is part of my heart that wanted more from them– more appreciation for how tough this job really is and a deeper understanding of how much I really love them.  On the other hand, despite the wonderful cards and texts from them, somehow I feel terribly undeserving.   If only they knew the depths of my dark heart – the unkind thoughts and resentments that lurk there sometimes.  If needed, I would crawl over cut glass for them, with a triumphant smile on my face for all the world to see – to proclaim my abiding sacrificial love for them.  But inside, I confess, there are days that I grumble, or feel discouraged, or ashamed of my failures.

What grade would you give yourself as a Mom?  Some days I’m feeling pretty good – maybe a B or B+.  Some moments maybe even an A! J  On a bad day, much much worse.  Some days it might depend on who I’m comparing myself to.  And I wonder – do we get to grade ourselves on a curve?  How do you grade a mom when her children have brains altered by past trauma, when their behavior often makes no sense,  when they fight the very love that she is offering?

I confess that, early on, I really did think that, if I was a good enough mom, my efforts would translate into amazing results with my kids.   My husband and I had thought we would be the perfect adoptive parents.  We thought we could provide the ideal environment for our children to heal from past hurts.  We weren’t prepared for how hard the fight would be.  Over the years, each child has both clamored for and resisted our love, and it can be exhausting.  Behavior has been infinitely more challenging than we had anticipated, and I often have felt completely inadequate to the task.  And much to my dismay, I am a very different mother than I thought I would be – too often impatient or distracted or angry or just tired.  What a rollercoaster.  There have been wonderful times of joy and victory – fun family outings, meaningful conversations, signs of great growth.  But at other times I’ve fought deep discouragement.

The good news is that God is the One responsible for the results.  The God who loves our kids even more than we do WILL accomplish His purposes for them.  What a privilege that He invites us into that work.   He chose us for them, and them for us.  All four of my kids are “launched” now,  and I truly marvel at all He has done in their lives.  And as I look back I realize that indeed He sometimes accomplished great things in them through us!  But at many other times, he has done so in spite of us.  He didn’t need us to get it right.  What a comfort.

Certainly He calls us to diligence and obedience. We all work hard to be the best Moms we can be.  We read books, and blogs, and consult friends and sometimes professionals.  We are intentional.  And we should seek excellence in all we do.  But at the end of the day, it seems the most important lesson I’ve learned, is that they just need our constancy, and to know that we ARE their moms.  And that we are FOR them, no matter what, forever.  The rest is details.

So, our part becomes simply to be faithful and leave the results to God.  I am an awesome mom, and YOU are an awesome mom, simply because we provide our kids the opportunities to learn and grow and be loved.  Some of our kids can’t take it all in right away.  It doesn’t happen in our timing.  But we need to trust that God has made them to receive that love and guidance; and eventually it will bear fruit.  And even on the days when they are fighting it, we are awesome because we are faithful.  That is all that is needed.

A constant, faithful, imperfect Mom is exactly what your child needs – an eye-rolling, “Are you serious!?” impatient, too-busy, bought-Kentucky-Fried-Chicken-for-the-church-potluck-cause-I-ran-out- of-time-to-make-homemade,  kind of mom that says “You can never lose my love.” That is what we are called to. That is what they need.

And they’ll get it…someday. I can’t tell you when. But they’ll get it.

Happy Faithful Mother’s Day!

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord…As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and does not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish,… so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.  – Isaiah 55:8-11


cheryl nitzCheryl Nitz, ACSW, LCSW  has worked in the field of adoption and foster care for over 30 years.  She has extensive training in the field of attachment and trauma, particularly in the area of facilitating healing in foster, adopted and post-institutionalized children.  She currently is the director and a therapist at the Attachment and Bonding Center of PA.  But she often says her best education has come from being a parent with her husband to their four kids (two of whom came to the family through adoption) and grandparent to four!


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