Tune In


Lauren, author of Our First Failed Adoption featured on WAGI on March 9th, has been invited to a live interview Monday morning, April 4th. She will be chatting with Gus Lloyd on his show Seize The Day at 8:00 AM EST about their adoption story. It will be on satellite radio, Sirius 159, XM 117. Or, you can listen online here.

Go to her blog and leave her some words of encouragement as she prepares to share!

Blessed are the Booty Hearts Winner

The early bird doesn’t always get the worm.

Out of the 38 entries for the giveaway, #36 was chosen using a random number generator.

Abby and her super sweet little guy Max won the Seeds Family Worship cd! Abby, take a look around the store and let me know which cd you are choosing and I’ll get it all squared away for you.

Everybody else, go check out Abby’s blog. They adopted their little guy domestically via a private adoption. Just finished reading their adoption story and this great post.

I’m sure she’ll have Max singing “Blessed are the Booty Hearts” in no time. Okay, it might be a couple years. But, she’ll be singing it in the meantime.

Advocating for Anton

Sweet Anton

On January 16, 2010, twin boys were born in Moscow. One of the boys, fully healthy, went home with his parents. The other twin, who was covered with wounds and bruises at birth, was left at a Moscow hospital. Given the confusion of the hospital staff over his condition, minimal attention (the hospital typically has one nurse for 20 infants), and minimal pain medication, it is a miracle he survived those early months.

But, he did. God sustained him.

Through the blessing of some relief organizations who learned about this little man and his diagnosis of Butterfly skin disease (Epidermolysis Bullosa, EB), he was able to spend a few months in a different hospital with a personal nurse where he was able to receive good medical care as well as toys and a connection with someone who cared for him. But, he is soon to be transferred to an orphanage where he will not receive the kind of care he has been getting simply due to lack of resources or skills in dealing with his medical needs.

And, so, we are advocating for him here. He needs a family.

Could you be his family? Could God use you to care for this child, His child in a miraculous way?

There is a webpage created to advocate for him. And, Anton is currently listed on Reece’s Rainbow, a website that spotlights available children for adoption with special needs and works to build adoption grants for the family God has chosen for these children.

Please visit his page on Reece’s Rainbow, consider donating (it’s tax deductible) towards the grant for his adoption.

Focus on (a few) Fundraising Families 3

These few featured families are all families whose buttons for fundraising are featured on our site. Please read about them and consider supporting their efforts as they pursue God’s call for their families.

Robert & Robin

Robin's family

We are Robert and Robin. We have been blessed with a biological son Nick (13) and three beautiful daughters, Mikayla (15) , Lauren (5) , & Mia Hope (4). Our girls were adopted from China. We are currently on a journey of love to bring home Liliana (4), our

Orphan Sunday

While attending a church service in Zambia, an American visitor, Gary Schneider, was struck by the pastor’s passionate call to care for orphans in the local community, a community dramatically affected by AIDS and poverty. Those in the congregation faced real need themselves, needs we can barely imagine. But, as the service ended, one after another stepped forward with money, food, and material things, some even taking off their own shoes and placing them in the offering as a response to the pastor’s call for the orphans.

Gary Schneider, President of Every Orphan’s Hope, was so impacted that he began to help Zambian leaders coordinate Orphan Sunday efforts across Zambia which spread to the United States in 2003.

It stands as a day specifically set apart to bring attention to God’s call for us to stand for the orphan. We are a people called to defend the fatherless, to care for the child who has no family, to visit orphans in their distress. Orphan Sunday is our opportunity as preadoptive families, adoptive families, and those who have hearts for children around the world to rouse the Church, our communities, and friends to God

Focus on (a few) Fundraising Families 2

These few featured families are all families whose buttons for fundraising are featured on our site. Please read about them and consider supporting their efforts as they pursue God’s call for their families.

The Mulders

Brandon and Kari Mulder

Our adoption story all started this past year when we were faced with the news that we are unable to have biological children due to medical reasons, but God has laid it on our hearts to pursue adoption as a means of starting our family. Throughout our dating years, we had talked about adoption and how we would love to give a child a wonderful Christian home and family who might not otherwise have one. We have begun the process of domestic infant adoption. Right now, this seems like an overwhelming task that lay before us but we know through prayer, family support, and fellow adoptive families’ support, this will be a journey that we will never forgot and be better for it in the end. We have been encouraged by everyone

Focus on (a few) Fundraising Families

These few featured families are all families whose buttons for fundraising are featured on our site. Please read about them and consider supporting their efforts as they pursue God’s call for their families.

The Arpin-Riccis

The Arpin-Riccis

Greetings from the inner city neighborhood of Winnipeg’s West End! My wife Kim and I have been living and serving here as inner city Christian workers with Youth With a Mission (YWAM) for nearly 10 years. While there are many challenges, such as poverty and crime, it is also a wonderfully diverse community of people from all over the world. With many Ethiopian neighbours, it was especially exciting for us to begin the adoption process from Ethiopia in late 2007. Since then, the process has been long and challenging, as many complications (common to adoption in Canada) have slowed the process down. However, we are hopeful as we await a referral which should be coming in the near future. We still face that challenge of raise the funds, but God has provided so much already, with around $10,000 remaining in our goal. People can give through our website Adopt-A-Pixel.

The Rippees

The Rippee Family

We are Randy & Rita Rippee, parents of 4 children, 2 grown biological children and 2 adopted daughters from China. We feel the hand of God moving us to adopt another child from China and are asking for you to come along side us in the journey.


Welcome to wearegraftedin.com! This first post is the culmination of years of discussing the need for a site like this and months of more intentional planning to actually make it happen. We pray that the site will be an encouragement to families considering adoption, in the process of adopting, parenting their adopted child, fostering children, or considering the significant ministry of orphan care.

We encourage you to join the forum and use it to interact together and discuss any thing from paperwork and how to choose an agency to preparing for travel, preparing siblings for a new child, or how to engage your church in your process. May it be a source of education, encouragement, and fellowship.

We plan on posting relevant articles, challenging and encouraging essays and personal blog posts, and monthly featured families. Become a follower and be watching for some really good posts we have lined up in the coming weeks!

We invite you to become a contributor as well. We welcome your submissions for potential posts as well as your suggestions of helpful resources and retailers. We have tried to add what we think families would find helpful here but are always open for suggestions to better meet the needs of the families who will visit the site.

May He be glorified as we seek to please Him in our families and in our community together!

Grab our button, and spread the word!

The Sparrow Fund
124 Third Avenue
Phoenixville PA 19460
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Copyright 2025 The Sparrow Fund. All rights reserved.
An approved 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization.