TSF Leadership Team

Why We Do What We Do

We learn who we are and how the world works through our experience of relationships; that’s behind all we do. Through our Sparrow Services Grant program, Sparrow Family Services, and Together Called retreats and other events, we provide opportunities for families in every season of adoption to more deeply experience relationship so that they are best able to heal and grow together. Motivated by our own experience of relationship and a call to serve, we seek to magnify good already there and encourage, equip, and empower caregivers, transforming relationships within families and communities. There is a place in the Bible where Jesus said to the people around him, “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows” (Luke 12:6-7). 

Kelly Raudenbush, MA
Executive Director

Kelly founded The Sparrow Fund along with her husband Mark in 2011. She spearheads the Sparrow Family Services program for foster and adoptive children and their families along with Louie, a golden retriever who is a certified facility dog, and Banks, facility-dog-in-training. Kelly has a particular interest in (a) partnering with parents to help children understand their stories in healing ways; (b) encouraging, equipping, and empowering parents to experience healing relationship as they navigate the effects of trauma; and (c) helping caregivers and teachers of vulnerable children best experience the power of relationship. Kelly and Mark have been married since 1998 and have 3 biological children and 1 daughter who was adopted as a toddler from China in 2010. You can read more about Kelly’s professional background on the Sparrow Family Services page. You can contact Kelly directly at kellyraudenbush@sparrowfund.org.

Mark Raudenbush
Director of Operations

Mark founded The Sparrow Fund in 2011, having been changed by the adoption of their youngest child and desiring to serve adoptive families. While he focuses much of his attention on nonprofit operations and relational leadership, Mark has a particular interest in pursuing transforming relationships with foster and adoptive parents eager to do the right thing for their families. Mark has been trained to encourage and equip parents to understand and implement Trust-Based Relational Interventions™ and earned a certificate in nonprofit management from La Salle University. You can contact Mark directly at markraudenbush@sparrowfund.org.

Melissa LoRusso
Development & Care Coordinator

Melissa’s first experience with The Sparrow Fund was when she and her husband attended a Together Called retreat in 2015 as a waiting family. In 2017, they brought their daughter Jessica home from Haiti. Since that time, they have continued attending Together Called and growing as a family through Sparrow Family Services and Gatherings. Melissa’s heart has been shaped by her experience of her daughter’s story, and she is privileged to continue to advocate for vulnerable children and for family reunification whenever possible. Melissa and her husband John have been married since 2002, and they live with their daughter Jessica and companion golden retriever Winni in Lansdale. You can contact Melissa directly at melissalorusso@sparrowfund.org.

Abby Anderson
Development & Care Assistant

Abby and her husband Bjorn attended the first Together Called marriage retreat back in 2012, just a few months into a long and arduous international adoption journey, and they have attended nearly every year since. In 2019, they were accepted into our Sparrow Family Care Grant program where they received support until they were home with their daughter from India for a full year. As a long-time recipient of The Sparrow Fund’s care, Abby knows personally how impactful the support we offer can be. She enjoys serving others in providing that care through coming alongside families through the ups and downs of their foster and adoption journeys.. You can contact Abby directly at abbyanderson@sparrowfund.org

Abbey Leaman
Development & Care Assistant

Abbey has volunteered with The Sparrow Fund since 2012 and joined the team as an official staff member in January 2019. With a younger brother adopted from South Korea, Abbey has had a heart for adoption and orphan care from a young age. She enjoys using her professional experience in development to support the work of The Sparrow Fund to love and serve foster and adopted children and their families. Abbey and her husband Ben have been married since 2011 and have three young children. You can contact Abbey directly at abbeyleaman@sparrowfund.org

Facility Dog

Louie was born in July 2016 in Western Pennsylvania and was specially selected by the experts at Paws & Affection as a canine candidate for very important work. He spent the next 18 months with their team learning foundational skills as well as specialized skills to prepare for life as a working dog. Given his success and natural temperament, he was matched with Kelly Raudenbush, MA in February 2018 and, after months of more training with her, officially joined The Sparrow Fund team as a certified facility dog in June 2018. He enjoys hot dogs, being invited onto the office couch, belly scratches, and shedding. He is happy to serve as cotherapist with Kelly to help children and their grownups. Because Louie doesn’t have thumbs, you can’t contact him via email directly. But, he does have his own social media account along with his intern Banks on Facebook and Instagram.

We are supported by a Board of Directors and a Program Advisory Council. Email us at info@sparrowfund.org to learn more.